Integrated Annual Report • 2021

Business portfolio

Kazaktelecom JSC's business portfolio includes a full range of telecommunications services and is represented in almost all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.

The Company's services are provided both on the retail market and on the wholesale market of communications services.

In the wholesale market of communications services, the Company provides services in the operating segment, strictly following the norms of effective legislation and the principles of mutually beneficial partnership.

The Company strives to maintain and develop competitive advantage factors — the availability of the necessary number of network resources to connect operator networks and to pass all types of traffic, an extensive telecommunications network built on state-of-the-art digital equipment with high throughput capacity, providing a high-quality and reliable service to operators and their subscribers.

Main categories of services in the wholesale market
Operator services
  • connection of telecommunications networks and access to inter-network, local, long-distance and international traffic;
  • Internet access;
  • provision of line lines for lease;
  • additional services for laying networks along the cable sewage system;
  • billing services — provision of services to operators on accounting and processing of traffic data;
  • connection to the TSS network — services of connection to the system of clockwork network coordination (TSS) of Kazakhtelecom JSC.
Partner programs
  • possibility of receiving broadband Internet access services under the Megalin brand to subscribers of local telephone network operators;
  • connection to the equipment of the Internet Traffic Exchange Center of primary Kazakh Internet service providers.

In the retail market of communications services, Kazakhtelecom JSC provides telecommunications services to end users — individuals (B2C) and legal entities (B2B, B2G).

Services provided to individuals (households)
Traditional telephony
  • local, MGM/MN communications services;
  • Tarlan telephone cards;
  • virtual number;
  • a call at the expense of the subscriber being called;
  • a call from the website (ClickToCall);
  • virtual Call-Centre.
Internet access
  • broadband access using ADSL, FTTH, WiMAX, WLL, WI-FI technologies;
  • dial-up access;
  • wireless high-speed access using LTE technology;
  • Smart Internet — a service to provide Internet access to IP addresses belonging to the client using a Cisco VPN IPSec;
  • Parent control — restricting access to the use of content on any devices connected to the home network.
  • Online hypermarket chocomart.
Telegraph services
  • sending text messages by telegraph.
Integrated offerings
  • iD Net. High-speed Internet access;
  • iD Phone. The service is based on GRI telephony;
  • iD-TV. Interactive TV service (IPTV);
  • iD Host. Hosting services on the servers of Kazakhtelecom JSC;
  • Ultra, Black, Silver. Package offers, including all types of services: telephony, cellular communications, television, Internet.
Additional services
  • information and reference service 169;
  • intellectual network services (information and entertainment services by numbers 8-800-xx);
  • video surveillance at the entrance;
  • video surveillance portal;
  • Smart house;
  • software subscription;
  • subscription of RMS music.
Services provided to legal entities (B2B and B2G)
Cloud services
  • cloud video conference — organization of video conferencing with an unlimited number of participants without the use of special equipment;
  • video surveillance — video surveillance service;
  • virtual automated telephone system;
  • digital medical card — search service for doctors and organizations;
  • ISMET.KZ — an open digital platform for entrepreneurs;
  • blockchain — infrastructure for blockchain products.
Data transfer
  • Internet for business — creation of the personal data environment with all available technologies;
  • Wi-Fitarget — access to networks using wired technology;
  • Mobile Office — access to corporate networks from any location using secure protocols;
  • IPVpn — access via secure channels;
  • cash registers — the fiscal data service of the OFD.
Additional services
  • Smart city — LoRa technology services;
  • Smart utilities — services of collecting data from water, electricity and gas meters and sending data to service providers;
  • Smart lighting — control over the city's lighting systems;
  • Smart manhole — system of control over open manhouses;
  • protection from DDoS attacks;
  • virtual Firewall.