Corporate governance system
The main principles of corporate governance are sustainable development, shareholders rights and fair treatment of them, the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, and transparency. Compliance with these principles and provisions of the Corporate Governance Code is covered annually in a report to the Board of Directors prepared by the Corporate Secretary.
Analysis for 2021 showed that the activities of Kazakhtelecom JSC and its corporate practices demonstrate full compliance with the principles and provisions of the Corporate Governance Code. A report on the compliance of Kazakhtelecom JSC with the principles and provisions of the Corporate Governance Code for 2021 is given in Appendix 6 of the Report.
Kazakhtelecom JSC corporate governance system consists of a set of processes ensuring the management and control over the operations of the joint-stock company, as well as a system of relations between the executive body, the Board of Directors, shareholders and stakeholders. The compenetncies of the bodies and the decision-making procedure are defined and set forth in the Charter of Kazakhtelecom JSC.