Integrated Annual Report • 2021

Key indicators for 2021

Financial indicators

Income from sale of services million KZT 13.2% 428,081 2019 527,330 2020 594,193 2021
Net profit million KZT 49.3% 60,276 2019 65,263 2020 97,444 2021
Capital investments million KZT 1.3% 72,795 2019 113,834 2020 112,396 2021
EBITDA million KZT 12.9% 178,872 2019 246,337 2020 278,180 2021
EBITDA margin 46,82 % 0.12% 41.8 2019 46.7 2020 46.82 2021

Information on assets

Assets, total 1 234 585 million KZT 10.7% 1,086,020 2019 1,115,426 2020 1,234,585 2021
Long-term loans 282 247 million KZT 10.8% 339,138 2019 316,291 2020 282,247 2021
Attributable to owners of parent 576 359 million KZT 19.4% 427,259 2019 482,881 2020 576,359 2021

Production indicators

Number of fixed lines 2 774 555 lines 4.1% 2,849,878 2019 2,893,529 2020 2,774,555 2021
Number of fixed broadband subscribers 1 860 706 subscribers 1.5% 1,705,495 2019 1,833,192 2020 1,860,706 2021
Number of Pay TV subscribers 918 720 subscribers 6.3% 774,044 2019 863,881 2020 918,720 2021
Number of mobile subscribers 14 543 325 subscribers 1.7% 15,529,658 2019 14,787,566 2020 14,543,325 2021
ARPU 6 525 KZT 11.3% 5,038 2019 5,862 2020 6,525 2021
ROACE 13,6 % 2.1% 12.06 2019 11.5 2020 13.6 2021

Macroeconomic indicators

Consumer price index 12 % 4.5% 5.4 2019 7.5 2020 12 2021
GDP growth 2,1 % 4.7% 4.3 2.1 -2.6 2019 2020 2021
The exchange rate of KZT to the US dollar, on average for the year 430,4 KZT 4.2% 382.75 2019 412.95 2020 430.4 2021
Population of Kazakhstan, total 19,161 million persons 1.5% 18.631 2019 18.877 2020 19.161 2021

CSR indicators

Environmental costs 45,31 million KZT 33.3% 122.00 2019 67.94 2020 45.31 2021
Total headcount 25 059 persons 6.5% 26,481 2019 26,797 2020 25,059 2021
Income per employee 23 712 thousand KZT 20.4% 16,166 2019 19,697 2020 23,712 2021
Payroll fund 105,6 billion KZT 7.3% 85.8 2019 98.4 2020 105.6 2021
Investments in safe working conditions 1 072 810 thousand KZT 12.9% 721,077 2019 950,515 2020 1,072,810 2021
Taxes paid to budgets of all levels 96 966 million KZT 1.8% 76,282 2019 98,764 2020 96,966 2021
Investment in trainingand development of employees 587 382 thousand KZT 59.9% 372,961 2019 367,377 2020 587,382 2021