Mobile Telecom-Service LLP (MT-S) is successfully operating, and at the end of 2021 MT-S exceeded its main target financial indicators. Revenue for 2021 increased by 15% compared to 2020, EBITDA increased by 22% by 2020, and efficiency was 54%.
MT-S LLP retains technological leadership in the telecommunications industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan and continues to implement advanced technologies for end users. In 2021, the latest generation of voice VoLTE was commercially launched, and by the end of the year the number of users of this service was 1.5 million. 2 5G test zones were also launched in Almaty, with download speed reaching 1.5 GB. In addition, according to the international authoritative rating of Speedtest, MT-S LLP was recognized as the best mobile operator in terms of mobile Internet speed, coverage and mobile network.
In order to achieve the target indicators, MT-S LLP performed various activities during the year, including as part of the Company's 10th anniversary.
Also in 2021, MT-S LLP and Kcell JSC continued to integrate their networks in order to make the most of all potential synergies, while continuing to share best practices in such a way as to facilitate further improvement of technologies and services.