Annex 1. About the report
This Integrated Annual Report of Kazakhtelecom JSC (hereinafter the "Integrated Report", the "Report") discloses information on the financial and non-financial performance indicators of the Company for 2021. The Company adheres to the principle of openness and strives for effective disclosure of information on a wide range of issues to all key stakeholders. In terms of financial indicators, the report covers the Kazakhtelecom Group, and in terms of non-financial indicators — the Central Administration and 15 branches of the Company. The report describes the corresponding activity from 1 January to 31 December 2021, and the reporting cycle — annual. Kazakhtelecom JSC has been issuing annual public non-financial reports since 2017. The unified report for 2020 was published on 26 May 2021. All reports of the Company are available on the official website of Kazakhtelecom JSC.
The financial information has been prepared based on the consolidated IFRS financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 for the Kazakhtelecom Group, which are included in the consolidation perimeter. Non-financial indicators were prepared in accordance with International Sustainability Reporting Standards — GRI Standards (disclosure level: core). In order to disclose the most relevant topics in the Report, the Company analyzed the materiality of sustainability aspects by specific indicators and topics specified in GRI standards, based on a review of internal and external environments and stakeholder engagement.
The information for the Report, taking into account the results of the materiality analysis, was collected using the corporate reporting system and special information requests on GRI requirements. When preparing the Integrated Report, the Company was governed by the principles for determining the content of the report, determined by GRI Standards:
- Stakeholder engagement — we have sought to take stakeholder interests into account when disclosing information.
- Sustainability context — the Company determines its work within the context of the external environment, including economic, social and environmental aspects.
- Materiality — the focus in the annual report is on topics recognized by the Company's most material internal or external stakeholders.
- Completeness — the Company strives for comprehensive coverage of material sustainability topics. The Report discloses financial and non-financial data on the Company and all subsidiaries and associates.
The report was approved by the Board of Directors of Kazakhtelecom JSC. The report has no external verification.